On visualization of the results of an exactly-box-3D example model

Dear teachers, AFTER reading the manual carefully, I saw the simulated figure 13 in section 5.2.2. I thought it made sense, and I wanted to do it again. But I do not know how to visualize the results of my experimental simulation, and I hope to get the teacher’s guidance! Thank you, teacher!

Good morning,

I’m not sure if this figure was made in Paraview or Visit, but in Paraview one can use the contour function (perhaps also threshold tool) to reproduce the colored temperature field. The velocity vectors are plotted via the glyph function.

Here is a link to a tutorial that goes over how to use the contour feature for 3D model results:

@xiyuan930809 This figure is made with Visit, and it uses the “Contour” plot you can select when you open a .vtk or .vtu file and then go to the “Add+” button.

Thank you, teacher! I generated the diagram of this simulation result in visit software, but it seems to be inconsistent with what I saw in the manual, and I only generated this diagram. However, the webpage given by the manual is a dynamic process, which I do not know how to operate, which part is the problem.

@xiyuan930809 Can you elaborate? Does the picture you get just look different because you chose different temperature isocontours, or does it look qualitatively/inconsistently different? You may want to attach a picture of what you see.

The results of the experimental model I generated felt very different from the model in the video in the example. Wondering what went wrong. Thank you for your answer!

@xiyuan930809 I still don’t quite know what you did. Are you using the same input file as used in the cookbook? What you show looks like initial conditions, with a regular spacing between perturbations. Are you comparing the initial conditions you show in your picture with the initial conditions of the cookbook?

Dear teacher, the 3d model above showed KILL in the second step, so it could not be continued. I would like to know why. Is it my parameter setting or something else

Based on where the error message happens, I suspect that your virtual machine does not have enough memory to continue. For 734,000 degrees of freedom, you will need many GB of memory.

You are discovering that running substantial 3d models take substantial compute and memory resources.


Thank you, teacher! I know! Thank you very much for your patience!!!!