Hi There!
Thanks for the great code package.
I’m wondering if it’s possible to output specifically the maximum velocity in the y direction (though any direction may be useful for others!) in the output statistics? I.e. alongside the RMS and Max velocity obtained using the
Using set List of postprocessors = … , velocity statistics, …
Command under subsection Postprocess
Any help much appreciated :]
@low.earth.orbit There isn’t a postprocessor for this right now, but it wouldn’t be very difficult to write one. You would just have to clone the existing rms/max velocity postprocessor at aspect/source/postprocess/velocity_statistics.cc at main · geodynamics/aspect · GitHub and in lines 60-63 pick out the y-velocity instead of computing the norm of the velocity.
Ok, thanks!
I’m working with an unflexible implementation on a cluster and I’m worried about messing up the installation, so for now I’m making a workaround of extracting the maximum y values from the output vtus, but thanks!
@low.earth.orbit A postprocessor can be written like any other plugin, in a user’s directory where you just compile it into a shared library that your existing ASPECT installation just loads at run time. You don’t need to change the installed version.