How to "turn on" gravity for magma-2d example?

Hello developers and users,

I want to incorporate gravity and body forces in the magma-2d: step01_inflation example. I set the gravity_field in the problem section of my step01_inflation.cfg file like so:

I also included “spatialdata.spatialdb.GravityField” in the features section of the pylithapp.cfg file.

Is there anywhere else where I need to specify gravity or body forces? Do I need to include gravity or body forces in the materials section of the pylithapp.cfg file in the db_auxiliary_field.values/ section?

You may want to balance the gravitational stresses to prevent the domain from collapsing when you turn on gravity. See the reverse-2d example. You can do this either with reference stresses or incompressible material.



I am having trouble implementing a reference stress/strain.

While reading through the manual I see that in the materials section, there is a subfield for reference stress and reference strain that can be included in the auxiliary field spatial database as shown here:

How do I include the reference stress and reference strain in the pylithapp.cfg file?


There is another issue with the reference stress/strain for poro that is being updated and tested at the moment.

I’ll make a post on the forum when it is merged, and perhaps post an example problem.