How to output the fluid displace in poroelastic model

I would like to output the fluid displace and solid displace at the same time,in an isotropic poroelastic.In DATA/Par_file,set parameters about receivers,the seismotype just have six record,1=displ 2=veloc 3=accel 4=pressure 5=curl of displ 6=the fluid potential.It is missing the parameters i want–the fluid displace.How can i output this parameter?
Thanks and Kind Regards,
jun li

by default, the displacement/velocity/acceleration from a station within a poroelastic element will be coming from the solid wavefield part (displs_poroelastic/…), the fluid displacement (displw_poroelastic/…) is not output and implemented yet.

the easiest would be you change the code line with the corresponding wavefield you want in file src/specfem2D/write_seismograms.F90, see:

Thank you very much for your answer.i will try your suggestion to modify write_seismograms.F90.
Best wishes,
Jun li