Error while getting geographic coordinates of projected location

Dear Charles and Brad,

I missunderstood this part " Looking at your files, it appears to me that your spatial database files are not in a geoprojected coordinate system, but are instead geographic coordinates (e.g., lon/lat/elevation)."
So this is my coseismic spatialdatabase in utm projection :
fault_slabtop_coseismic_utm47s.spatialdb.tar.gz (5.5 KB)

I have tried to use the projected spatialdatabase above and I am still having the same issue for both interseismic and coseismic simulation (my creep spatialdatabase has no variation along x and y. Only z dependent. But I have the same issue).
I try to recreate the geometry using merc projection and adjust all the spatialdatabase in merc projection and my interseismic simulation can pass the projection issue. Eventhough I receive new error :
[0]PETSC ERROR: KSPSolve has not converged due to Nan or Inf norm
step03-parameters.json.tar.gz (13.9 KB)

So to create the mesh and convert the coordinate, I use qgis rather than proj. Because I am not familiar using proj and the slab contour script provided in the examples. I am using UTM projection zone 47S for the UTM projection.

Alvina K K