Hello everyone,
I’m doing 3d simulations where I evaluate the dynamic topography. I got results I was not expecting and thought that the unremoved Nullspace net rotation was the problem. But after I removed the net rotation the resulting dynamic topography is the same. Why is it not effected?Because the flow pattern looks drastically different.
The original problem is that I got a result for dynamic topography for a model where there is no density contrast (or temperature) only viscosity. (I know this is very unrealistic but I wanted to see what this would result in.) As I understand it if there is no lateral density variation the dynamic topography should be zero. The following skript gives a non zero dynamic topography that has quite a complex pattern even though the model is very simple. When a do the same with a density anomaly instead of viscosity the result looks reasonable.
Thanks in advance, Maja
Here is my Skript:
A simple setup for convection in a 3d shell. See the
manual for more information.
set Dimension = 3
set Use years in output instead of seconds = true
set End time = 1000
set Output directory = output-mu_23_const_rm
subsection Material model
set Model name = multicomponent
subsection Multicomponent
set Densities = 4400
set Viscosities = 1e22, 1e23
set Viscosity averaging scheme = harmonic
subsection Compositional fields
set Number of fields = 1
subsection Initial composition model
set Model name = function
subsection Function
set Coordinate system = spherical
set Variable names =r,phi,theta
set Function expression = if(r>3480000 & r< 4480000 & phi > 0 & phi < pi/2 & theta>pi/4 & theta<3pi/4 || r>3480000 & r< 4480000 & phi > pi & phi < 3pi/2 & theta>pi/4 & theta<3*pi/4,1,0)
subsection Initial temperature model
set Model name = function
subsection Function
set Coordinate system = spherical
set Variable names =r,phi,theta
set Function expression = if(r>3480000 & r< 4480000 & phi > 0 & phi < pi/2 & theta>pi/4 & theta<3pi/4 || r>3480000 & r< 4480000 & phi > pi & phi < 3pi/2 & theta>pi/4 & theta<3*pi/4,1500,1500) #erst llsvp, dann mantel
subsection Geometry model
set Model name = spherical shell
subsection Spherical shell
set Inner radius = 3480000
set Outer radius = 6371000
set Custom mesh subdivision = list of radial values
set List of radial values = 3586033.3333333335, 3682066.6666666665, 3778100.0, 3874133.3333333335, 3970166.6666666665, 4066200.0, 4162233.333333333, 4258266.666666667, 4354300.0, 4450333.333333333, 4546366.666666666, 4642400.0, 4738433.333333333, 4834466.666666666, 4930500.0, 5026533.333333333, 5122566.666666666, 5218600.0, 5314633.333333333, 5410666.666666666, 5506700.0, 5602733.333333333, 5698766.666666666, 5794800.0, 5890833.333333333, 5986866.666666666, 6082900.0, 6178933.333333333, 6274966.666666666
set Initial lateral refinement = 2
subsection Boundary velocity model
set Tangential velocity boundary indicators = top, bottom
subsection Boundary temperature model
set Fixed temperature boundary indicators = top, bottom
set List of model names = spherical constant
subsection Spherical constant
set Inner temperature = 1500
set Outer temperature = 1500
subsection Nullspace removal
set Remove nullspace = net rotation
subsection Gravity model
set Model name = radial constant
subsection Mesh refinement
set Initial global refinement = 1
set Initial adaptive refinement = 1
set Strategy = temperature
set Time steps between mesh refinement = 15
subsection Postprocess
set List of postprocessors = visualization, dynamic topography, geoid
subsection Visualization
set Output format = vtu
set Time between graphical output = 1e6
set Number of grouped files = 1
set List of output variables = density,viscosity
subsection Depth average
set Time between graphical output = 1.5e6
set Output format = vtu
subsection Checkpointing
set Steps between checkpoint = 50