Hi all,
I am wondering what is the best way to output a scalar quantity at different depth slice for a 3D domain.
The scale I would like to output is D = sigma_zz/(nu*(sigma_xx+sigma_yy)), which measures the degree of plane strain or plane stress.
What I would like to do is have this D variable output at different depth of 3D model, for each depth I have a slice of the domain.
Here are some approaches that I would like to try and maybe Pylith developer could suggest more efficient approach:
- Define Node set / Element set at different depth in the input Exodus mesh file, and use subdomain-output to output the stress field at these slices.
Here I would like to know how the uniform refinement works, because I input a coarse mesh to Pyltih and use the uniform refinement to run with required resolution, does the new nodes generated by the refinement will be automatically added to the nodes set defined in coarse mesh?
- If Pylith already has some slice output capability so that I don’t need to specify nodeset in the mesh model ?
And If that is the case, can I do the calculation within Pylith to output D directly ?
I know I could do this through post-processing by outputting the stress field directly from Pylith and then do the calculation. However outputing a 3D domain information is time consuming.
Thank you,