Hello everyone!
This is ASPECT newsletter #204.
It automatically reports recently merged features and discussions about the ASPECT mantle convection code.
Below you find a list of recently proposed or merged features:
#6039: Avoid a C-style array (implemented by gassmoeller; reviewed by tjhei)
#6038: [WIP] allow for multiple particle sets. (implemented by MFraters)
#6034: add instructions for downloading older docker containers (implemented by naliboff; reviewed by tjhei)
#6030: Adding Citations (implemented by ljhwang; reviewed by gassmoeller)
#6029: fix two doxygen warnings (implemented by tjhei; reviewed by naliboff)
#6028: jsontomarkdown.py: fix warning (implemented by tjhei; reviewed by gassmoeller)
#6027: update parameters (implemented by tjhei; reviewed by naliboff)
#6026: Assert maximum number of particle worlds. (implemented by gassmoeller; reviewed by tjhei)
#6025: add cmake config options for n particle worlds (implemented by tjhei; reviewed by gassmoeller)
#6024: fix units spacing in initial temperature plugins (implemented by PrajaktaPMohite; reviewed by gassmoeller)
#6018: Separate solution evaluator from particle code (implemented by gassmoeller; reviewed by tjhei)
And this is a list of recently opened or closed discussions:
#6037 A lingering interuption issue running on our local sever at UC Davis (opened)
#6036 add documentation about different docker images (opened and closed)
#6035 Stripping the restart.mesh.data file (opened)
#6033 benchmarks/free_surface_tractions/viscoelastic out of date (opened)
#6032 Fix spherical unit vectors documentation (opened)
#6031 Document default boundary condition for Stokes solve (opened)
A list of all major changes since the last release can be found at this website.
Thanks for being part of the community!
Let us know about questions, problems, bugs or just share your experience by visting our forum, or by opening issues or pull requests on Github.
Additional information can be found at our official website, and CIG’s ASPECT website.