ASPECT Newsletter #131

Hello everyone!

This is ASPECT newsletter #131.
It automatically reports recently merged features and discussions about the ASPECT mantle convection code.

Below you find a list of recently proposed or merged features:

#4262: check DG limiters only used with cartesian mapping (implemented by naliboff)
#4261: Don’t use std::make_unique just yet. (implemented by bangerth; reviewed by tjhei)
#4260: [WIP] Field types for viscoelasticity and corresponding rheology and EoS modules (implemented by bobmyhill)
#4258: add new field names parameter (implemented by bobmyhill)
#4257: Phase diagram (implemented by lhy11009)
#4256: GMG: support mesh deformation [WIP] (implemented by tjhei)
#4255: Surface strain residual (WIP) (implemented by alarshi)
#4254: Use the reinit function for MaterialModelInputs (implemented by anne-glerum)
#4252: Phase diagram (implemented by mibillen)
#4251: GMG: implement mask for velocity boundary (implemented by tjhei; reviewed by gassmoeller)
#4250: Fix benchmarks/ (implemented by tjhei; reviewed by tjhei)
#4249: Revert some particle performance regressions (implemented by gassmoeller; reviewed by tjhei)
#4248: Specify viscosity as only requested property (implemented by anne-glerum)
#4247: Allow to use adiabatic P for creep viscosity calculation in visco-plastic rheology (implemented by sibiaoliu; reviewed by naliboff)
#4245: fix a typo (implemented by jaustermann; reviewed by jdannberg)
#4244: add units for visualization postprocessors (implemented by ahollyday)
#4243: Unify particle update for deal.II 9.2 and 9.3 (implemented by gassmoeller; reviewed by tjhei)
#4242: add 6 names to coverpage bottom (implemented by cedrict; reviewed by MFraters)
#4241: avoiding division by zero in dyn topo pp (implemented by cedrict; reviewed by MFraters)
#4240: fix benchmarks/newton/spiegelman (implemented by tjhei; reviewed by tjhei)
#4239: [WIP] added elasticity to composite viscoplastic (implemented by bobmyhill)
#4238: fix for benchmarks/ (implemented by tjhei; reviewed by bangerth)
#4236: Updating viscoplastic_strain_invariants particles (implemented by erinheilman)
#4234: Make SimulatorAccess::introspection() ‘inline’. (implemented by bangerth)
#4233: Correct spelling of ‘Stokes’. (implemented by bangerth; reviewed by tjhei)
#4232: Move simple nonlinear to newton nonlinear channel (implemented by MFraters; reviewed by tjhei)
#4231: Avoid introducing alias variables. (implemented by bangerth)
#4230: README: replace license badge (implemented by tjhei; reviewed by MFraters)
#4229: Avoid some viscosity computations when not necessary. (implemented by bangerth; reviewed by gassmoeller)
#4228: add christensen yuen cookbook (implemented by jdannberg; reviewed by bobmyhill)
#4227: fix and cleanup the nonlinear channel flow input_t.prm in the newton benchmark set (implemented by MFraters; reviewed by tjhei)
#4226: Assert SPD factor visualization against full Stokes solver. (implemented by MFraters; reviewed by gassmoeller)
#4225: [WIP] Sea level 2 (implemented by ahollyday)
#4224: Consistently use American English spelling of ‘meter’. (implemented by bangerth; reviewed by tjhei)
#4223: Optimize boundary name lookups in postprocessors (implemented by gassmoeller; reviewed by bangerth)
#4222: Fix missing template argument. (implemented by bangerth; reviewed by tjhei)
#4221: Add check that printouts Temperature & Pressure values when nonpositive diffusion or dislocation viscosity is detected (implemented by sibiaoliu; reviewed by bangerth)
#4220: S40RTS mantle gravity (implemented by cedrict)
#4219: [deal.II 9.3] Simplify some code using C++14 capture semantics. (implemented by bangerth)
#4218: simple plume cookbook in 2D (implemented by cedrict)
#4217: GMG Newton solver (implemented by zjiaqi2018)
#4216: update catch library to 2.13.6 (implemented by tjhei; reviewed by bangerth)
#4215: README: replace license badge (implemented by tjhei)
#4214: Viscous dissipation postprocessors (implemented by anne-glerum)
#4213: added Bob and Cedric to the list of maintainers/principal developers (implemented by bobmyhill; reviewed by bangerth)
#4212: replace boost random by std (implemented by tjhei; reviewed by gassmoeller)
#4211: Minor edits to the manual. (implemented by bangerth; reviewed by tjhei)
#4210: update dynamic topography postprocessor to use translate_symbolic_bou… (implemented by jaustermann; reviewed by gassmoeller)
#4209: fixed stress update in damped elasticity (implemented by bobmyhill; reviewed by naliboff)
#4207: use top instead of outer as boundary id (implemented by jdannberg; reviewed by tjhei)
#4206: Update continental extension cookbook (implemented by naliboff)
#4204: Add chosing nonlinear Stokes cookbook. (implemented by MFraters)
#4203: compute correct sinking velocity (implemented by jdannberg; reviewed by bobmyhill)
#4202: fix plugin setup for gcc on OSX (implemented by tjhei; reviewed by bangerth)
#4201: fix catch compilation on M1 arm (implemented by tjhei; reviewed by gassmoeller)
#4200: Migrate support points function to utilities (implemented by bobmyhill; reviewed by gassmoeller)
#4198: [WIP] Backup current_linearization_point for use in composition reaction_terms (implemented by anne-glerum)
#4197: Add check that printouts Temperature & Pressure values when nonpositive diffusion or dislocation viscosity is detected (implemented by sibiaoliu)
#4196: cmake: error when detecting insource cmakecache (implemented by tjhei; reviewed by tjhei)
#4195: install missing headers (implemented by tjhei; reviewed by tjhei)
#4192: fixing units in manual (implemented by cedrict; reviewed by gassmoeller)
#4191: Update Material properties plugin description (implemented by anne-glerum; reviewed by gassmoeller)
#4189: Remove an unused variable in the multicomponent incompressible model. (implemented by bangerth; reviewed by anne-glerum)
#4188: [deal.II 9.3] Use std::make_unique instead of std_cxx14::make_unique. (implemented by bangerth)
#4187: Use std::unique_ptr instead of std::shared_ptr in a number of places. (implemented by bangerth; reviewed by anne-glerum)
#4186: Add rising velocity depth average postprocessor (implemented by jdannberg; reviewed by gassmoeller)
#4185: thick_shell_grav_bench (implemented by cedrict)
#4184: Add plate cooling to adiabatic initial temperature plugin (implemented by danieldouglas92)
#4183: [WIP] Oceanic extension cookbook (implemented by valemagni)
#4181: Output surface stress as a tensor field. (implemented by bangerth; reviewed by anne-glerum)
#4180: Add check that creep prefactors are larger than zero (implemented by anne-glerum; reviewed by bangerth)
#4179: Minor edits to the gravity benchmark section. (implemented by bangerth; reviewed by gassmoeller)
#4175: Add check to CMakeLists.txt preventing insource builds (implemented by gassmoeller; reviewed by tjhei)
#4174: read in the dominant phase from a lookup table (implemented by jdannberg; reviewed by jdannberg)
#4173: correct typo (implemented by cedrict; reviewed by bangerth)
#4172: Use C++11-style double closing template brackets. (implemented by bangerth; reviewed by gassmoeller)
#4171: more cleanup in steinberger model (implemented by jdannberg; reviewed by gassmoeller)
#4170: Start with collecting information about the physical units of output variables (implemented by bangerth)
#4169: move fill_averaged_equation_of_state_outputs to utilities (implemented by jdannberg; reviewed by gassmoeller)
#4167: Only set old_(old_)solution in first NI for particles with an iterated Advection scheme (implemented by anne-glerum; reviewed by gassmoeller)
#4166: whitespace/tab removal from contributed prms (implemented by bobmyhill; reviewed by bangerth)
#4165: Improve comments and simplify chunk (implemented by anne-glerum; reviewed by gassmoeller)
#4164: gravity benchmark thin shell (implemented by cedrict; reviewed by bobmyhill)
#4163: Added contributions directory to indent (implemented by bobmyhill)
#4162: Add assert to avoid silently ignored boundary temperature constraints (implemented by bobmyhill; reviewed by bangerth)
#4161: add option for different plasticity for different phases (implemented by elodie-kendall; reviewed by naliboff)
#4160: cleanup for lookup EOS (implemented by jdannberg; reviewed by bobmyhill)
#4159: apply clang-tidy fixes (implemented by tjhei; reviewed by tjhei)
#4158: Make an error message easier to read. (implemented by bangerth; reviewed by anne-glerum)
#4156: Enforce consistent constant temperature boundary indicators (implemented by bobmyhill; reviewed by bangerth)
#4155: Fix a typo in two places. (implemented by bangerth; reviewed by MFraters)
#4154: Improve an error message in the clang-tidy script. (implemented by bangerth; reviewed by tjhei)
#4153: test: traction bc with GMG (implemented by zjiaqi2018; reviewed by tjhei)
#4152: Static temperature (implemented by rfildes; reviewed by gassmoeller)
#4150: Remove deal.II compatibility code (implemented by gassmoeller; reviewed by bangerth)
#4149: Fix the ‘prescribed dilation’ in newton_stokes (implemented by sibiaoliu; reviewed by bangerth)
#4148: Created multicomponent EoS->Material averaging function (implemented by bobmyhill; reviewed by naliboff)
#4147: minor fixes to manual (implemented by bobmyhill; reviewed by bangerth)
#4146: Allow default or single values for Peierls creep parameters in composite rheologies with phase transitions (implemented by bobmyhill; reviewed by gassmoeller)
#4145: removed a deprecated option in source/simulator/ (implemented by elodie-kendall; reviewed by gassmoeller)
#4144: Add clang-tidy option to CMakeLists.txt. (implemented by MFraters)
#4143: change lower limit quad increase (implemented by cedrict; reviewed by bobmyhill)
#4142: update citing_aspect.bib with missing information (implemented by ljhwang; reviewed by gassmoeller)
#4140: Update gravitational constant (implemented by pmbremner; reviewed by gassmoeller)
#4139: Add a missing space. (implemented by bangerth; reviewed by MFraters)
#4138: Avoid using Worldbuilder in top namespace (implemented by gassmoeller; reviewed by MFraters)
#4137: Add gmg assert throw for direction at parse parameters phase. (implemented by MFraters; reviewed by bangerth)
#4136: Fix a grammar mistake. (implemented by bangerth; reviewed by MFraters)
#4135: Use std::numeric_limits::lowest() instead of -max(). (implemented by bangerth; reviewed by tjhei)
#4134: Fix incorrect doxygen markup. (implemented by bangerth; reviewed by MFraters)
#4133: Make a function purely internal to a .cc file. (implemented by bangerth; reviewed by MFraters)
#4132: Add steady state heat flux termination criteria (implemented by jdannberg; reviewed by naliboff)
#4130: Postprocessor to compute the maximum depth of each compositional field (implemented by anne-glerum; reviewed by bangerth)
#4127: Update some matrix-free functions (implemented by zjiaqi2018; reviewed by tjhei)
#4126: Subduction cookbook case1 (implemented by anne-glerum)
#4125: Add reference Quinquis thesis (implemented by anne-glerum; reviewed by bangerth)
#4124: Add option to force color output for ninja. (implemented by MFraters; reviewed by tjhei)
#4122: GMG option for additional details (implemented by tjhei; reviewed by bangerth)
#4114: removed ASPECT_PETSC (implemented by ahollyday; reviewed by gassmoeller)
#4109: Removed a PETSC option (implemented by rfildes; reviewed by bangerth)
#4102: Fix a test for certain versions of openmpi (implemented by gassmoeller; reviewed by gassmoeller)
#4099: Add dealii dev tester (implemented by gassmoeller; reviewed by bangerth)
#4076: Average before producing graphical output. (implemented by bangerth; reviewed by gassmoeller)
#4062: Store integrator properties as regular particle properties (implemented by gassmoeller; reviewed by bangerth)
#4060: Particle evaluation optimizations (implemented by gassmoeller; reviewed by bangerth)
#4010: Add Peierls cutoff stress (implemented by danieldouglas92; reviewed by bobmyhill)
#3918: added viscous damper to elasticity to make firmoviscous material (implemented by bobmyhill; reviewed by naliboff)
#3844: Cookbook: Prescribed velocity ascii data (implemented by bobmyhill; reviewed by gassmoeller)
#3828: New: Make thermodynamic table lookup into an EquationOfState (implemented by bobmyhill; reviewed by jdannberg)
#3808: corrected geoid parameter typo (implemented by bobmyhill; reviewed by bangerth)
#3776: geoid postprocessor working with free surface (implemented by mfmweerdesteijn; reviewed by gassmoeller)
#978: Two merged chunks (implemented by anne-glerum; reviewed by gassmoeller)

And this is a list of recently opened or closed discussions:

#4259 Adding an AssertThrow for DG Limiters during parameter parsing (opened)
#4253 spherical_velocity_components test fails with deal.II9.3.1 ? (opened)
#4246 Improve field parsing (opened)
#4237 Add brief defaults section to manual? (opened)
#4235 Add 2.3 release announcement to the website (opened and closed)
#4208 Add Bob and Cedric to the correct sections of and (opened and closed)
#4205 newton_solver_benchmark_set issues (opened)
#4199 ASPECT on M1 ARM (opened)
#4194 config.h not found when trying to build shared library from installed version of ASPECT (opened and closed)
#4193 Error: Negative diffusion viscosity detected; but only use dislocation in VP material model (opened and closed)
#4190 Avoid shady use of probable ‘\0’ at the end of a std::string (opened)
#4182 Avoid specifying input values and calculating material properties for masked compositional fields (opened)
#4178 Issue with strain values when using plastic strain (opened)
#4177 Two stress visualization tests are the same (opened)
#4176 Tensor visualization output (opened)
#4168 Outputting correct “total wall time” in log file after restart (opened)
#4157 Ignored boundary temperature model in ASPECT (opened and closed)
#4151 Document how to install astyle (opened)
#4141 Better coverage statistics (opened)
#4131 Temperature solution issues with 3D spherical geometry (opened)
#4129 shell_simple_3d cookbook error with opening angle 90 (opened and closed)
#4128 Including units within pvtu metadata output (opened)
#4123 Changing particle logic for iterated advection schemes? (closed)
#2861 missing file or readme in benchmarks/nonlinear_channel_flow (closed)

A list of all major changes since the last release can be found at this website.

Thanks for being part of the community!

Let us know about questions, problems, bugs or just share your experience by visting our forum, or by opening issues or pull requests on Github.
Additional information can be found at our official website, and CIG’s ASPECT website.