ASPECT Newsletter #123

Hello everyone!

This is ASPECT newsletter #123.
It automatically reports recently merged features and discussions about the ASPECT mantle convection code.

Below you find a list of recently proposed or merged features:

#4009: Make sure visualization names are unique (implemented by gassmoeller)
#4008: [WIP] log verbosity (implemented by tjhei)
#4007: Add first steps for new users (implemented by anne-glerum)
#4006: Fix spherical gaussian perturbation initial temperature (implemented by anne-glerum)
#4005: Style changes. (implemented by bangerth)
#4004: More improvements to formatting in the manual. (implemented by bangerth)
#4002: renamed compositional stress fields (implemented by EstherHeck; reviewed by MFraters)
#4001: added elastic stress contribution to stress and shear stress vis pp (implemented by EstherHeck; reviewed by MFraters)
#4000: Various improvements to the manual. (implemented by bangerth; reviewed by MFraters)
#3999: Use the ‘cite’ package for the manual. (implemented by bangerth)
#3998: Slightly improve the mark-up in the manual. (implemented by bangerth; reviewed by tjhei)
#3997: Adding 4 publications properly this time (implemented by ljhwang; reviewed by MFraters)
#3995: Change computation of strain rate invariant in visualization postprocessor. (implemented by MFraters)
#3994: add 4 new citations for March 2021 (implemented by ljhwang)
#3993: adjusted error message for time stepping function (implemented by EstherHeck; reviewed by tjhei)
#3992: Initialize particles in one go. (implemented by bangerth)
#3990: add file to gitignore (implemented by tjhei; reviewed by naliboff)
#3984: Adding 2 publications Barrioneuvo and Bredow (implemented by ljhwang; reviewed by bangerth)

And this is a list of recently opened or closed discussions:

#4003 Finite strain invariant in particles (opened)
#3996 Check for duplication of visualization output variable names (opened)
#3991 Not all particle properties are initialized correctly (opened)

A list of all major changes since the last release can be found at this website.

Thanks for being part of the community!

Let us know about questions, problems, bugs or just share your experience by visting our forum, or by opening issues or pull requests on Github.
Additional information can be found at our official website, and CIG’s ASPECT website.