Hi everyone,
We are pleased to announce that we are now accepting applications for the 2020 ASPECT Hackathon;
When: Aug 4 - Aug 15
Where: Cody, Wyoming
As in previous years, the hackathon is a venue for those with experience developing models with ASPECT and ASPECT itself, to get together and make major progress in a short amount of time. Hackathons have no formal program, with almost all time set aside to work on coding, learning, mentoring, and enjoying a community of fellow hackers.
CIG will provide travel support and cover group ground costs (e.g. group transportation, lodging, and meals). Participation is limited.
If you are interested in participating, please apply before March 31.
Application and full event details are available at:
The Organizing Committee
Wolfgang Bangerth, Juliane Dannberg, Rene Gassmoeller, Timo Heister, Lorraine Hwang, and John Naliboff
Hi all,
I know August seems far away and everything may run more smoothly soon…
But my institution asked us to stop all plans for travel (including travels after spring) due to the current coronavirus thing… So far, only travels in the next few weeks are officially cancelled, but everyone is asked not to plan travels outside of Europe and wait to see how the situation evolves.
What is the current situation in the US about possible cancellation/restrictions for travel?
Hi Marine,
Thanks for bringing this up and we (CIG) have had a brief internal discussion about potential impacts on summer workshops.
At this stage we have informally heard about some summer workshops being cancelled overseas (Japan, Italy) and some colleagues are actively cancelling their Spring or Summer works trips to highly affected countries.
Beyond that, I am not aware of any official travel restrictions for the summer as dictated by universities. Maybe others have more concrete information from their institutions?
From a logistical standpoint, decisions need to be made before signing contracts and making travel arrangements.
As far as decisions in the short-term, things seem fairly in flux and we are all waiting to see how things shake out in the next few weeks.
@ljhwang @gassmoeller - Does this reasonably sum up or last conversation?
There are some restrictions for people coming in from Italy, China,
Iran, and Korea right now. They may be put into quarantine (if they are
citizens) or not allowed to enter the country – though I don’t think it
is everyone from these countries. At least at the moment, coming from
France will not present a problem unless you have been to any of the
countries above – but then, who can tell how that’s going to work out
in the future.
I don’t think anyone knows how this will look in August. On the upside,
if there is a raging coronavirus epidemic going around the world by
then, then being in a remote corner of Wyoming is probably one of the
better places to wait it out 
I am glad CIG is keeping this in mind!
As for yesterday, all French researchers (at least all of them affiliated with CNRS, so most of them) are forbidden to travel outside Europe (up to “when it will be decided otherwise”). But the situation is likely to evolve quickly… And August may be quiet in the North Hemisphere as for the flu.
And yes, Wyoming may be a nice place to be, but we still need to arrive there first 
And remote connection do not work well for me (the lab is not accessible during the night, with alarms and everything). Maybe if things go so that the US is closed, then we should try to organize a small gathering in Europe in parallel?
Thanks for the updates.
I have had one meeting in Japan cancelled. SSA is being optimistically cautious working with hotels and convention staff. I was also informed some US agencies are not allowing international travel.
While Cody is remote (I do remind you that Kanye has just bought a large portion of town which is a gateway to YNP), workshops are high density situations. We have been fortunate so far but, as mentioned above, need to see how things develop, and think about mitigation strategies.