Dear Colleagues,
We are pleased to announce the 2019-2020 CIG Webinar Series, which will begin on November 14, 2019.
In contrast to previous years, the upcoming webinar series will highlight the cutting edge observations and data sets that drive geodynamic modelling investigations.
The list of topics includes global fault data sets, basin analysis, hazard assessment, global and regional seismology, surface processes, upper mantle and lithosphere igneous petrology, and geodynamic inversions.
Our hope is that these presentations will help drive new cross-disciplinary collaborations and highlight future research directions for the geodynamic modelling community.
To join any of the 2019-2020 CIG webinars, please use the following link:
If you are not receiving this message through the CIG Forum mailing and wish to receive future webinar announcements and other CIG news, please visit to signup for an account.
The first webinar of 2019 will be held next Thursday, November 14 from 2-3 PM Pacific Time, and will be given by Dr. Richard Styron on “The Release of the GEM Global Active Fauls Database and Global Seismic Hazard Map”.
For further details, please visit our webinar page ( and watch for upcoming emails. The full list of speakers and selected dates for the upcoming webinars are also provided below.
As the webinar series this year includes topics that are likely of interest to the broader Earth Sciences community, we encourage forwarding this announcement on to additional mailing lists or colleagues that may be interested.
We look forward to your attendance and please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions!
John Naliboff
2019-2020 CIG Webinar Series Presentations
November 14:
Richard Styron, GEM Foundation and Earth Analysis, LLC.
February 13
Christy Till, Arizona State University
March 12:
Nicole Gasparini (Tulane University) and Jane Willenbring (Scripps Institute of Oceanography)
April 9:
Ved Lekic (University of Maryland)
May 7:
Brandon Schmandt (University of New Mexico)
Chris Jackson and Rebecca Bell (Imperial College)
Tobias Baumann and Boris Kaus (Mainz University)