Anisotropic Elasticity

@willic3 I am working on adding a material model for anisotropic poroelasticity, and was wondering if you might have any example models for anisotropic elasticity using the new frame work to build on.


CC: @knepley, @baagaard

Hi Robert,
Unfortunately, the anisotropic elasticity we were working on never went anywhere. I don’t think we even have a formulation committed. Is the anisotropy in both the elastic and fluid flow parts? I guess one issue is how to connect the local and global coordinates for anisotropy (e.g., local rotations). Are you planning to implement general anisotropy or just specific cases? I will see if I can figure out the reference Farrokh was planning to use for elastic anisotropy if that’s useful.

Hi Robert,
Just to follow on from your last message, the reference Farrokh was planning to use was:

Mensch, T. & Rasolofosaon, P., 1997. Elastic-wave velocities in anisotropic media of arbitrary symmetry generalization of Thomsen’s parameters, δ, and γ, Geophys. J. Int., 128, 43–64.


Thank you, I will take a look at that. We are going to need to formalize an approach to deal with both rock and fluid anisotropy, but at least expanding fluid anisotropy (principal direction to b
full tensor permeability) doesn’t seem like much work to implement.