A time step problem

Dear professors,

Hello. I recently set up a two-dimensional box model with two parts. In the initial setup, the ASPECT’s solver did not converge, which caused a runtime error. So I adjusted the value of the CFL number.

Now the program works, but the problem is that the time step interval is too short. In fact, I’m not very proficient with aspects, so I’m wondering how to appropriately increase the interval of each time step while keeping the software running steadily.

If anyone can help me, I will be very grateful.

callisto.prm (2.8 KB)
Best wishes,

@ddarkerlu Yes, your time step is on the order of 3 days now – it’s going to take a lot of time steps to simulate geologic time scales this way :slight_smile:

In essence, the time step is computed based on the formula

  Delta t = CFL * velocity / mesh size

You set CFL=0.1. Does it have to be this small to achieve convergence?

Of course, the other two factors on the right hand side are also relevant. I assume that you have fairly large velocities and small mesh sizes? Are the velocities you get realistic?


@ddarkerlu - I’m not familiar with the dynamics of callisto, but I think a time step of 3 days is not unexpected for velocities on the order 4.7e3 meters per year. As @bangerth noted, I think the key question is what in your model setup is producing such high velocities. This could be due to the driving forces, rheology, or some combination thereof.