2022 Crustal Deformation Modeling Workshop - REGISTRATION OPEN

2022 Crustal Deformation Modeling Workshop

June 20-24, 2022, Colorado School of Mines, Golden, CO

The workshop will be held June 20-24, 2022, in Golden, Colorado on the campus of the Colorado School of Mines. The first two days of the workshop will be tutorials related to PyLith (an open-source, community code for modeling crustal deformation with a focus on earthquake faulting) followed by three days of science talks, discussions, and informal tutorials and collaboration.

The focus of this gathering will be computational models addressing crustal deformation in the following areas:

  • Earthquake cycle modeling with an emphasis on viscoelastic and plastic deformation, evolution of fault systems, fault maturity, and fault zone structure;
  • Inverse problems, inference, and data assimilation with an emphasis on time-dependent problems;
  • Mechanical interaction of fluids, solids, and faulting; and
  • Synergistic challenges associated with crustal deformation from non-earthquake loads, such as solid and ocean tides and hydrological load, crustal dynamics beyond the Earth, cryosphere mechanics, and fracture mechanics.

Travel support is available for participants with official appointments at U.S. institutions.

Please see the event page for more information about this workshop before registering. more info
