"Pyrameters": Python package for interacting with prm files

There’s a chance this exists already, but I wrote a package for reading/modifying/creating prm files, and uploaded it to PyPi. I think it’ll be useful for spinning up suites of models.

I’ll add something about it to the manual when I get a chance, but for now here’s some info about how to install and use it, if anyone’s interested.

pip install pyrameters


from pyrameters import PRM

params = PRM()
params['Dimension'] = 3
params.set('/Postprocess/Visualization/Output format', 'vtu')



set Dimension = 3

subsection Postprocess
  subsection Visualization
    set Output format = vtu

Or load parameters from a file:

from pyrameters import PRM

with open('input.prm','r') as input:
    params = PRM(input.read())

if params['Dimension'] == 2:
    params['Output directory'] = 'results-in-2D'
    params['Output directory'] = 'results-in-3D'


More info here: