I solved the problem at the end, it was due to the angle that need to be putted in radians instead of degree. I leave here a python script and the ASCII file.
I suggest to write a cookbook about how to setup the ascii correctly (POINTS, COLUMNS etc.)
Thank you for the help and Best regards
30-3-p30-P400.txt (1004.7 KB)
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import math
# Parametri
r_inner = 3481000 # Raggio interno in metri
r_outer = 6371000 # Raggio esterno in metri
p_large = 400.0 # Ampiezza delle grandi perturbazioni
p_small = 30.0 # Ampiezza delle piccole perturbazioni
frequency_large = 3 # Frequenza delle grandi perturbazioni
frequency_small = 30 # Frequenza delle piccole perturbazioni
spread_angle_large_degrees = 90 # Angolo di diffusione delle grandi perturbazioni in gradi
start_angle_degrees = 330 # Angolo di partenza per la perturbazione in gradi
# Funzione di temperatura modificata per utilizzare i gradi e gestire gli array
def temperature_function_degrees_array(r, theta_degrees):
# Aggiusta theta per spostare l'angolo di inizio della perturbazione
adjusted_theta_degrees = theta_degrees + start_angle_degrees
adjusted_theta_degrees = adjusted_theta_degrees % 360
# Inizializza l'array della temperatura
temp = np.zeros_like(r)
# Determina la grande perturbazione usando un approccio a funzione gradino
large_perturbation_mask = (adjusted_theta_degrees < spread_angle_large_degrees) | (adjusted_theta_degrees > 360 - spread_angle_large_degrees)
temp[large_perturbation_mask] = p_large * np.sin(np.pi * (r[large_perturbation_mask] - r_inner) / (r_outer - r_inner)) * np.sin(frequency_large * np.radians(theta_degrees[large_perturbation_mask]))
# Applica piccole perturbazioni dove non si applicano le grandi perturbazioni
small_perturbation_mask = ~large_perturbation_mask
temp[small_perturbation_mask] = p_small * np.sin(np.pi * (r[small_perturbation_mask] - r_inner) / (r_outer - r_inner)) * np.sin(frequency_small * np.radians(theta_degrees[small_perturbation_mask]))
return temp
# Generazione dei dati per la visualizzazione
theta = np.linspace(0, 360, 360) # Angoli da 0 a 360 gradi
radius = np.linspace(r_inner, r_outer, 100) # Raggi da r_inner a r_outer
# Creazione di una griglia per il plotting
R, Theta = np.meshgrid(radius, theta)
Temp = temperature_function_degrees_array(R, Theta)
def write_ascii_data(radius, theta_degrees, temperatures, filename):
with open(filename, 'w') as file:
file.write("# Test data for ascii data initial conditions.\n")
file.write("# Only next line is parsed in format: [nx] [ny] [nz] because of keyword \"POINTS:\"\n")
file.write("# POINTS: 100 360 1\n")
file.write("# Columns: r phi temperature [K]\n")
for j in range(len(theta_degrees)):
for i in range(len(radius)):
r = radius[i]
phi = theta_degrees[j]
temp = temperatures[j, i]
# Formattazione migliorata
r_str = f"{r:.1f}"
phi_str = f"{phi:.4f}" if not phi.is_integer() else f"{int(phi)}"
temp_str = f"{temp:.1f}" if not temp.is_integer() else f"{int(temp)}"
# Allineamento delle colonne con spostamento della seconda colonna
file.write(f"{r_str:<10} {phi_str:<11}{temp_str}\n")
# Conversione delle coordinate polari in coordinate cartesiane per il plotting
X = R * np.cos(np.radians(Theta))
Y = R * np.sin(np.radians(Theta))
# Plotting
plt.figure(figsize=(8, 6))
contour = plt.contourf(X, Y, Temp, levels=50, cmap='viridis')
plt.colorbar(contour, label='Temperatura')
plt.title('Distribuzione della Temperatura in Coordinate Polari')
plt.xlabel('Coordinata X (m)')
plt.ylabel('Coordinata Y (m)')
# Uso della funzione write_ascii_data per salvare i dati
write_ascii_data(radius, theta, Temp, '30-3-p30-P400.txt')
import math
def convert_to_radians(degrees):
"""Convert degrees to radians."""
return degrees * (math.pi / 180)
def convert_file_angles(input_file_path, output_file_path):
"""Convert the angles in the second column of the file from degrees to radians."""
with open(input_file_path, 'r') as file:
content = file.readlines()
converted_lines = content[:4] # Keep the header lines unchanged
for line in content[4:]:
columns = line.split()
if len(columns) == 3:
radius, angle_deg, temperature = columns
angle_rad = convert_to_radians(float(angle_deg))
converted_line = f"{radius} {angle_rad:.8f} {temperature}\n"
with open(output_file_path, 'w') as file:
# Example usage
input_file_path = '30-3-p30-P400.txt' # Replace with your input file path
output_file_path = '30-3-p30-P400.txt' # Replace with your desired output file path
convert_file_angles(input_file_path, output_file_path)